The world of web design has been transformed in recent years with the emergence of new digital tools that make the design process more efficient, collaborative, and intuitive. One of the most popular and powerful tools for designing websites is Figma, a cloud-based design platform that allows designers to create, share, and collaborate on designs in real-time. Here are ten reasons why Figma is the ultimate tool for your next website project. As a web designer, you know that creating a website from scratch can be a daunting task. There are multiple aspects to consider, such as wireframes, visual designs, interactive prototypes, and animations. Figma is an all-in-one tool that can help you manage all these aspects with ease and create a website that not only looks great but performs efficiently. Here are ten reasons why you should consider using Figma for your next website project. 1. Figma is an all-in-one tool for web design. Figma offers a comprehensive suite of design tool...
When someone ask What is Website? That means someone is
interested in owning their interest to host their identity online. A website
might sounds like a smaller term but when we dig dipper there are many aspects
of it which we must consider while planning to have a website.
Before we go into details, let's first define a website.
To call it in simple terms; "A website is a collection of web documents (Sometimes called as Web
pages). A Web document is what a user see on the screen when they type a web address, click a link, or search for a phrase in search engine".
When we talk about websites, a website could be one of the
1. Personal Websites
2. Photo Sharing Websites
3. Writers / Authors Websites
4. Community Building Websites
5. Mobile Device Websites
6. Blogs
7. Informational Websites
8. Online Business Brochure/Catalogue
9. Directory Websites
10. E-commerce Websites
So now if you are planning to design your own website; you
just make sure to have the followings:
a. A Domain Name
b. A Hosting Account
c. Web Documents (Web Pages) of your website
Let's define each of these one-by-one.
a. Domain Name: A domain name like, is a sequence of letters and or numbers separated by one or more periods ("."). The domain names are used to identify particular web pages.
For Example in the URL,
the domain name is
Types of Domains
There are four different kinds of domain, we can have for a
i. TLD -Top Level
Domains: There are three different kinds of TLD
- ccTLD-country code Top Level Domains
- gTLD-generic Top Level Domains
- IDN ccTLD-internationalised country code top-level domains
ii. Second level
iii.Third level
iv. Subdomain
If you have decided to host a domain but you are not able to
decide your domain name, I recommend to use one of the followings Domain name
suggestion tools
For your knowledge, sometimes few domains costs are listed
high because they are reserved as premium
What exactly premium domains are ?
Premium domains are domains that have already been
registered by someone else but are now being resold for a premium rate. This
means anyone can buy premium domains as they are being sold on the open market.
Few Examples of
premium domains include,,,
There are various advantages of owning a premium domain,
which includes the followings:
- The Impact of the Instant Online Brand
- More Traffic from Direct Navigation
- Increased SEO ranking
b. Hosting Account :
A web
hosting account deals with putting the contents of your website on a Web
Server. The hosting server ( or Web Server) could be
i. Windows Hosting Servers
Linux Hosting Servers
There are various hosting options available. For your
reference I am listing few below:
i. Free Hosting
ii.Shared Hosting
iii.Virtual Dedicated Hosting
iv. Dedicated Hosting
v. Collocated Hosting
c. Web Documents (Web Pages):
A webpage is a collection of texts, images, scripts,
videos and multimedia files; which is written in one of the web language and
hosted on one or multiple servers.
A webpage is mostly written in HTML (Hyper Text Markup
Language) and layout in CSS.
For your brief knowledge, I am writing few lines about the
language of a webpage.
- HTML and XHTML are mark-up languages composed of various elements (like html, head, body, various heading and paragraph tags), which contain attributes . These elements are used to mark up the various different types of content in documents (for example headings, paragraphs, tables, bulleted lists etc.)
- CSS gives us the control over formatting and layout of our web document.
- JavaScript is the scripting language that you use to add behaviour to our web pages.
Now-a-days most of the companies prefers to have a CMS for
their website, which provides a user-friendly environment for a non-technical
user to update and maintain the content of a live website.
To define in simple terms "A content management system (CMS) is a web-software that supports
the creation and modification of digital content using a user-friendly
That's all folks.
I hope you like this article. If you need to know about any
specific topic related to web programming or digital marketing, kindly drop
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